Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well, I posted something new but my laptop decided to delete it. I am to tired to retype it and my head hurts so I will leave you with, "remember how well you have it because there is always someone that has it worse than you." Take time to help that person.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My day has come to an end and I didn't accomplish all the things I needed too. I spent 3 hours trying to complete this online course but I still have 3 more hours to go. I'm not happy with the situation.

My son made me dinner tonight and it was delicious. When he went to the store he bought me a hersey chocolate candy bar with almond. He knows I love to spread peanut on them. He is such a good kid.

My baby girl spent some mama/daughter time with me tonight. I needed it. She is growing up on me and I am having a hard time with it. This is harder than I thought it was going to be. My heart can feel her pulling away and I don't know how to handle it sometimes.

Good Night All!!! My life is so full and rich that I don't know how I deserved this. God is good to me.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Trying to get some stuff done so I can start working on my baseball season for next year. So many obstacles to over come before I can divert my entire attention to it. If there is anyone that is interested in playing for the GCAA STALLIONS, which consist of a home school varsity and a middle school baseball team, please check out our web site for more information or contact us at
Good Morning,
Today is going to be a little cooler; 91 degrees instead of 100/101. Wow, we are having a cold snap. I love the hot weather but could do without all the humidity.

I had a great time yesterday with the kids at Carowinds. It wasn't crowded and we rode all the roller coasters!

The kids are growing up too fast! Just when I think I have a grasp on things, then they enter a new stage in their lives and I have to start all over again. My life has changed so much in the last 4 to 6 months. Both of the kids are now in high school. Where does the time go.

Got to run for now.....